Thursday, January 29, 2009

3 More Top Tips for Language Learning

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6. Love for languages

If you are intrigued by languages, you will obviously be interested in investigating all areas of English that you don’t understand. Ask your professor about language issues you encounter while reading or writing the language. Or during your class, if a thought strikes you, let your professor know. This inquisitiveness will push you to learn more.

7. Ability to remember things

It’s obvious that you need to remember a lot of things to learn a language. If you are adept in finding methods to remember vocabulary, grammar, conjugations, etc, you’re going to progress more rapidly than others who get stuck in the beginning stages, always returning to look up words that they have seen many times.

My advice is to use any method you like to remember words- mnemonics, flash cards, rote memory, carrying around a notebook, repetition- the point is to remember the word long enough to use it a few times a day in conversation for a few days, after which the word will be “yours”. You will no longer depend on the crutch to artificially remember the word, you mind will simply know what it means.

8. Make your English learning goal part of your daily life

Languages are not learned overnight. I think I’ve saved the most important advice for last.

It’s very simple, yet at times hard to do.

Make your English learning part of your daily life. When you cook breakfast, think of the items in English, not your native tongue. Increase your vocabulary by taking all the objects you use in your daily life and learn how to say them in English - write the English word on the item or write it down in a notebook that you carry with you at all times, and practice that vocabulary.

Practice your pronunciation by practicing the sounds of Spanish all day long. Listen to music in English and try to understand it. Follow along with the lyrics easily found online and look up the words you don’t know. If you really saturate yourself in your target language, it’ll start seeping into you and you will have more success in learning.

Now go do it.Learn and explore English! If you need an English coach, Professor Winn is available!


If you are in Buenos Aires and want English lessons personally designed to fit your needs, please call Professor Winn at 1160 461 342 or send an email to

Anyone interested in English-language services or translations (Sp/Fr/Pt>En) may send an email to for a prompt evaluation.

Buy your English-language texts today!

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