The good professor also translates Spanish, French, and Portuguese to English.
The following article from Argentine medical blog, BlogSalud (HealthBlog), always is a good read to keep up to date on medical issues and terminology. It is well-written and well-respected. The cost of medical care and medicine continue to affect developed and developing countries alike.
Suben 16% el precio de los medicamentos
16% increase in medicine
Laboratorios logran venia de Moreno y suben 16% el precio de los medicamentos
Laboratories get Moreno’s permission and raise the price of medicine by 16%
El incremento previsto para 2010 se llevará a cabo en tres etapas. Algunas firmas ya pusieron en marcha la primera, con alzas del 6%. El resto sería en julio y octubre.
The expected increase for 2010 will come in three steps. Some companies have already taken the first with a 6% rise. The rest would come in July and October.
La novela por el aumento de las cuotas de la medicina prepaga todavía está lejos de llegar a su fin, aunque por si le faltara algún condimento al segmento de la salud, ahora apareció una nueva disputa.
The saga of increased costs of prepaid medicine is far from over, as if the health sector needed a new dispute.
Los laboratorios comenzaron –y con éxito– una rueda de negociaciones con el secretario de Comercio Interior, Guillermo Moreno, que les permitirá incrementar los precios de sus medicamentos un promedio del 16 por ciento.
Laboratories began – with success – a round of negotiations with Interior Commerce Minister Guillermo Moreno allows increases in the prices of medicine by an average of 16 percent.
***If you are in São Paulo and need English lessons, or Elite English Services including translations (Spanish/French/Portuguese to English), please call Professor Winn at 6214-1511 or send an email to for a prompt evaluation.
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